Sunday, October 11, 2009

Obama's Medicine

I am against Obamacare. I feel like this is being shoved down or thoats. I do not want anything passed in the dark of night without the chance to review it.
You cannot believe any of the commercials, newscaters and certaninly not our elected officials. This is not an emergency. The bill will cost us trillions of dollars, and we should take some time and do it properly. The president was on a recent commercial saying how wonderfull Medicare was and then saying his new plan would not limit your coverage when you get sick.
However, Medicare does have limits. When you use up your hospital benefits in a certain year you can use your "life-time reserve days." After that you are not covered.
Some idiot congressmen say "Republicans want you to die early," and some senators say "the First Amendment does not protect you when you lie," and some say there is nothing wrong with the president sending warnings to insurance companies telling them not to comunicate with their subscribers about the benefits they will lose under the proposed legislation. They all act like a bunch of sixth-graders.
If politicians think our helth care quality will not decline when the maximum payment to doctors and hospitals will be the current Medicare and Medicaid pauments, they are delusional. Remenber the conditions atKing/Drew Medical Center in Los Angeles?
The politicians who say this health care plan will not cost taxpayers a lot of money are either trying to fool us or themselves. Trying to push this through as an emergency using the "weapons-of -mass-health-care-reform" tactic won't work.
People need to know exactly what the program means to them personally on both a clinical and financial basis.
How can i tell my elected representatives how i feel when neither they, nor I, will be able to read the bill before it is voted on?

1 comment:

  1. Having worked in the medical field for over 20 years, let me say that something needs to be done. The insurance company is NOT your friend. Years ago, services were paid for at the time you left, and you got a copy of the bill to turn into your insurance company for reimbursement. Then came referrals, precerts, authorizations, and copays. The insurance company alludes to what they will cover in services, and then tries like hell not to pay and blame it on the doctor or the patient. Resubmit, correct ICD9 codes, CPT codes, DRGs, time limits, copies of records....DENY, DENY.
    To say that the government will come between you and your doctor is a lie and the people telling it know this. The insurance companies already dictate the care and the manner in which your receive it. Specialists receive higher proportions of payment, so why would anyone want to become a family doctor or internist? Blame insurance for this inequity, even though your family doctor is your first line of defense, as it were.
    At this point there is NO healthcare bill or OBAMAcare as you people facetiously label it. There only bills being debated that must be reconciled to become law. This is congress's job, not the president's, for those of you who have forgotten proper procedure.
    Humana was warned about sending letters because they were politically oriented and were telling untruths. The health insurance lobby is large and powerful, They aren't interested in cutting costs, or payments to them, or bonuses for their shareholders.
    Some common sense and a checking of the facts---not those presented on FOX news---would do a world of good. Most honest people only want needed coverage at a reasonable cost. If you don't want an abortion, don't get one. Don't need maternity care, don't get it. Nobody is being sent to a death panel. ALL insurance/healthcare has limits---read YOUR policy. Nothing is totally covered at 100 percent forever for anybody at anytime. Everyone needs to know exactly what their healthcare costs and how much is subsidized by their employer, Most people only count their deductibles and copays: that's only a small portion of the total. So if it seems like you'll be paying more, you aren't paying the whole amount now! And even without any reform, costs are going up: do you think those costs aren't going to be passed on to you? Or eliminated all together?
